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D3F Circle of Friends

D3F's Circle of Friends members help us encourage 1st-grade through college undergraduate students, Dads/Dad figures, and indie filmmakers to express themselves with creative short films/videos about the importance and impact of having or being an involved father/father figure.


To boost submissions, D3F works with youth- and family-focused organizations and other Circle of Friends members in a variety of ways, including distributing information and resources via organizational newsletters, programming, email campaigns, social media, and other creative member communications. If you'd like to work with D3F and need more information on how to become a D3F Circle of Friends member, please CONTACT US today!


In the meantime, if you'd like to help promote D3F within your organization, school, or elsewhere in your community, here's a great poster/flier/image you can print and post, drop into a newsletter, or share on social media – it was created by 17-year-old, New Mexico high-school student and D3F student coordinator Gabriela Corral:

Revised D3F promotional poster
D3F promotional poster - Espan

Join our D3F Circle of Friends!

D3F works with a variety of parenting, education, and film/entertainment industry organizations and individuals dedicated to families and promoting positive dad involvement:

Greater Philly Film Office.jpg
Strong Families Commission.png
All American High School Film Festival.jpg
Fathers Inc.jpeg
nafsce square.jpg
SFN Vector logo.jpg
Philadelphia high-school-for-the-creative-and-performing-arts_edited.jpg
21CD logo.png
MenCare dot org logo.png
Art of Fatherhood w Art Eddy-2023.jpg
Parent Camp logo.jfif
Justin Roberts color.jpg
Social Justice Initiative Logo.png
KITS logo_edited.jpg
nat at-home dad network.png
NHSA logo.jpg
Parent Nation logo_edited.png
NHI logo.jpg
Center for Inspired Teaching logo_edited.jpg
ABQ Film Office.png
T4B logo.png
girldad nation.jpg
IMG_2379_b and w slice_1500x500 for FFwy_edited_edited.jpg
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